Learn Fractions with
Alesia Blackwood

Scroll down to access FREE video lessons with Reference Notes taught by homeschool mom and math teacher Alesia Blackwood. Students will learn what a fraction is, how to recognize equivalent fractions, and how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, simplify, convert, and order fractions. Alesia helps students to visualize fractions and makes understanding fractions easier!

Introduction to Fractions Video Lesson

Introduction to Fractions Reference Notes

What are fractions?

Fractions are all around us! A fraction represents a part of a whole. We use fractions every time we have a slice of pizza or a piece of cake! Depending on how many slices our pizza is made of, our fractions change.

The top number in a fraction is called the numerator. The NUMERATOR represents how many parts we have. The bottom number in a fraction is called the denominator. The DENOMINATOR is the number of equal parts the whole is divided into.

Equivalent Fractions Video Lesson

Equivalent Fractions Reference Notes

What are equivalent fractions?

Some fractions may look different, but they actually represent the same amount! For instance 1⁄2, 4⁄8, and 2⁄4.

Although each of these fractions is written differently, they all represent the same amount. Many amounts can be represented by a variety of fractions. In the video and reference notes, we help you visualize this by using fraction strips to see which fractions are equivalent.

Simplifying Fractions Video Lesson

Simplifying Fractions Reference Notes

What does it mean to simplify a fraction?

SIMPLIFYING FRACTIONS means reducing a fraction until it is as simple as possible.
If we cut a pizza into 8 slices and eat 4 of them, would we say we ate four-eighths or 4⁄8 of the pizza? We could also say we ate one-half, 1⁄2 as both are EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS. One-half is simpler because it uses smaller numbers, so we are more likely to say one-half instead of four-eighths.

How do we reduce fractions?

When we want to reduce a fraction, we have to find the GREATEST COMMON FACTOR between the numerator and denominator. Then we divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor to reduce our fraction.

Comparing Fractions Video Lesson

Comparing Fractions Reference Notes

Why and how should we compare fractions?

Sometimes we have to compare fractions to determine which fraction is greater than or less than the other. This is easier if both fractions have the same denominator. For example, if Maya ate 5⁄8 of a pie and Kaleb ate 7⁄8 of a pie, we would know Kaleb ate more because 7 is bigger than 5.

When the denominators are not the same, we need to make them equal before we can compare. We use the same strategy we used for equivalent fractions.

Ordering Fractions Video Lesson

Ordering Fractions Reference Notes

What does it mean to order fractions?

Sometimes we may be in situations where we want to compare more than two fractions. For example, if Dan has eaten 2⁄6 of his candy, Stuart has eaten 5⁄6, and Kirsten has eaten 4⁄6, who has eaten the most candy and who has eaten the least?
The easiest way to compare multiple numbers is to place them on a number line. Then we can see all the fractions in comparison to one another. We’ll demonstrate this visually in the video and reference notes.

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Video Lesson

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Reference Notes

How do we add & subtract fractions?

There are three simple steps to adding fractions:

  • Make sure the denominators are the same.
  • Add or subtract the numerators together (keep the same denominator).
  • Simplify the fraction (if possible).

The exact same rules apply when we are subtracting fractions:

  • Ensure the denominators are the same.
  • Subtract the numerators (keep the same denominator).
  • Simplify the fraction.

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Part II Video Lesson

Adding & Subtracting Fractions Reference Notes

Steps for Adding or Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators:

  • Add or subtract the numerators together (keep the same denominator).
  • Add or subtract the numerators together (keep the same denominator).
  • Simplify the fraction (if possible).

Multiplying Fractions Video Lesson

Multiplying Fractions Reference Notes

How do we multiply fractions?

Multiplying fractions can actually be easier than adding or subtracting them! This is because, unlike addition and subtraction, you can multiply two fractions with different denominators. To multiply two fractions, we multiply the numerators together and then the denominators together.

n this lesson, we will help you visualize what happens when you multiply fractions to gain a deeper understanding.

Dividing Fractions Video Lesson

Dividing Fractions Reference Notes

How do we divide fractions?

When dividing fractions, we use similar steps as when multiplying fractions. Remember, dividing is the opposite of multiplying!

In this lesson, we will help you visualize what happens when you divide fractions to gain a deeper understanding.

Dividing Fractions Using Reciprocals Video Lesson

Dividing Fractions Using Reciprocals Reference Notes

These videos & reference notes have been taken directly from our UnLock Math Foundations course that we developed to quickly fill in gaps and catch students up. We get students ready for Pre-Algebra no matter what grade level they are starting from.

We’ve had students who were significantly behind grade level, grades 2-3, successfully finish Foundations in 6 months and move into Pre-Algebra, covering 5 grade levels in one year.

Want your student to quickly catch up and fill in math gaps? Sign up now and let us accelerate your child’s progress!

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